How is plastic pollution threatening the health of Oceans, Marine Life and Humans?
By Moojan HaidariHow connected and dependent are humans and marine life on the health of oceans? To explore this important question, I did some investigative research from several trusted sources. The findings are both alarming [...]
We must Cut Carbon out of Construction – NOW!
By Paul Dowsett, OAA, FRAIC, LEED AP Principal Architect — Sustainable. Architecture for a Healthy Planet. We have only five months to transform the construction industry.There is no option - or planet - B.The act [...]
What is Plastic doing to our Oceans and What does this mean for our Planet?
By Paula Bernardino Results of the 2018 UN Global Compact Progress demonstrate two SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) getting least attention from companies are Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions (SDG 16) and Life Below Water (SDG 14). Similarly [...]
Efficient buildings in the 2020s
By: Yves Lemoine Most people know about renewable energy generation, storage and electrified transportation, but their knowledge of cleaner, more efficient building options seems to be incomplete. There are many technologies, and numerous voices. LARGE [...]
Top 5 Things Homeowners Can Do to Have a More Sustainable Home
By: Paul Dowsett We’ve put together a list of the top five things that homeowners can do to make their house more sustainable. This list focuses on reducing your energy use (and your energy bills!), [...]
Sustainability by design: letting go is hard to do!
And why this is important for future of energy in the built space by: Dr. Yannick Beaudoin As society has moved into the 21st century, it has not significantly addressed a critical blind [...]
Developing Trusted & Transparent AI: The CEO Imperative
by: Dr. Cindy Gordon Stage Setting Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the most disruptive advances in technology in our lifetime. However, understanding the ethical issues associated with AI is posing major educational know-how gaps [...]