Our Sponsors

Thank you to our many sponsors for partnering with RSI over the years and helping to make the 2018 AI Sustainable Futures Summit as equally exciting and valuable for experts and trailblazers who want to learn and share insights and solutions for Rethinking Business as Usual as a competitive advantage and for advancing the sustainability and resilience of business and society into the future.

Our Partners

Become a Sponsor or a Partner

There’s never been a better time to get involved with the RSI 2018 AI Sustainable Futures Summit. Join us for this iconic event. Be part of the Sustainable Futures experience.

Contact: Yasmin Glanville
Phone: 416-970-6600
Email: Yasmin@ctr.ca
Email: Sponsor@rethinksustainability.ca

The Opportunities and Benefits for sponsors and partners are captured here: RSI Summit Sponsorship Document.

Download RSI Summit Sponsorship Package

Event Details

Date: March 28, 2018

Phone: 416-866-8803

Website: www.rethinksustainability.ca

Daniels Spectrum
585 Dundas Street East
Toronto, ON M5A 2B7 Canada
Phone: 416-898-0158