Quentin Chiotti, PhD
Quentin Chiotti, PhD Senior Advisor, Sustainability, Regional Planning and Policy, Metrolinx
Quentin Chiotti, PhD., is nationally recognized subject matter expert in climate risk and resiliency and has worked in this field for 25 years.

At Metrolinx, he oversees the climate resiliency program and was the lead author to their report Planning for Resiliency: Toward a Corporate Climate Adaptation Plan that was published in September 2017. Dr. Chiotti is also an adjunct Professor at the University of Toronto (Scarborough) where he recently co-taught a senior undergraduate Climate Risk course in their management program.

His primary areas of climate change expertise include agriculture, energy, public health, watershed management, and public transit. Quentin has been an academic, and has worked for Environment Canada, Pollution Probe, the Ministry of Natural Resources, as a private consultant, and joined Metrolinx in 2015 as Senior Advisor, Sustainability (resiliency and adaptation).