Pragmatic Inspiration: Developing the Leaders of Tomorrow

Corporate boards and CEOs are fast-tracking their investments in future-readying their organizations with market-relevant talent before the boomer brain trust retires in five to ten years.

Unlocking competent, future-ready talent across the ages is more than an ideal. For businesses to achieve sustainability within the realities of today’s fast-changing environment, it is critical. And it is all the more urgent in the face of a potential competency void, created by the exodus of a generation of experienced and capable leaders, in executive and management positions, who will be retiring in the next five to ten years. Yet paradoxically, many of the most talented graduates and immigrants have difficulties finding employment when the primary recruiting requirement is workplace experience. The result is a lack of projected competency to direct our most vital organizations into the future.

To bridge this widening people/capability gap, and help position companies for sustainable growth, RSI developed InterGEN – a proven and scalable means for developing identified business competency requirements for emerging leaders and new workforce entrants, via directed mutually-beneficial mentoring relationships with senior executives.

It provides developmental benefits for the mentee, intergenerational engagement and awareness for the mentor, and organic capability development with improved rates of retention and employee engagement for the organization.

Future-ready your organization with this powerful, seamless tool. Contact RSI today at or 647-255-1048

To read more about the research behind this initiative:

InterGEN White Paper

InterGEN Executive Summary