It’s time to rethink sustainability
Everything is connected. Converging global and local crises affect everyone. Major socio-economic and environment crises—climate change, war, inflation, food and shelter insecurity, superstorms—are all aspects of one living system. Our world and everything that exists within it are part of a collective ecosystem.
To advance the readiness of humanity to survive and thrive, we must stop working in silos. We must adopt an inclusive approach to discovering and creating systemic scalable solutions to the issues we are best prepared to address together.
For RSI, it begins by addressing people’s essential needs and interdependencies for thriving today and into the future. Leverage strategic foresight and capacity building to create rapid and positive social, environmental, and economic change.
Accelerate positive change
RSI uses foresight to collaboratively discover and use solutions to advance our readiness to thrive. We lead and accelerate positive change for a resilient and thriving world through a three-step process:
Ensure a thriving future
RSI drives positive change for a thriving future. Our collaborative ReThink-Convene-Act approach helps break the cycle of fragmented hopelessness in today’s climate. We focus on what can be done to future-ready our world to thrive and provide options for getting involved.
To mobilize positive change, we interconnect all strategies and initiatives with systemic challenges. We prioritize the following areas of focus to bridge initiatives between corporations and communities:
- Transition to Net Zero (SDGs 7, 13)
- Decent Work and Economic Growth (SDG 8)
- Sustainable Food, Production and Supply Chains (SDGs 2, 12)
- Infrastructure and Housing (SDGs 1, 10, 11)
Take positive action today with RSI
Rethink Sustainability Initiatives (RSI) is a positive change acceleration leader and convenor of action partners. Our galvanizing purpose is to help shape a thriving future for all.
How does RSI do this?
- We engage and collaborate with forward-thinking leaders, subject matter experts, organizations, communities, and civic society.
- We help to discover, create, and use scalable solutions to systemic sustainability and resiliency challenges impacting our planet, people, and social & economic well-being.
- We speed up discovery to action through outcome-driven knowledge exchanges, future-readiness foresight, and systems thinking for identifying what’s possible and most likely to succeed.
- Through our FutureREADY programs, we work with organizations and communities to advance their future readiness and the stakeholders they serve.
Putting Food on the Table: Solving Canada’s food accessibility crisis
RSI founder and roundtable moderator, Yasmin Glanville, kicked off the session noting that 15% of Canadians live in food-insecure households (Statistics Canada, 2021). The roundtable’s goal, she said, was to explore the scale of the food crisis, assess the [...]
The St. James Town Journey, a Playbook for for Climate Change Action
St. James Town Journey, A Playbook for Climate Change Action in Urban High-Rise Communities This Community Climate Action Playbook describes a journey of discovery by real people and organizations, each with their different perspectives and interests in the community. [...]
Reimagined Future of Food Security and Climate Resiliency
Reimagined Future of Food Security and Climate Resiliency Reimagined Future of Food Insights for Action Playbook Advancing a future of more secure, accessible, health promoting food in today’s increasingly disruptive climate is not just a good thing to do. [...]
Climate Action Funding, Press Release
PRESS RELEASE For Immediate Release April 21, 2021 Rethink Sustainability Initiatives is now a proud recipient of Environment Canada’s ‘Climate Action Fund’ Toronto, ON – Rethink Sustainability Initiatives (RSI) is one [...]
Rethink. Re-evaluate. Reset.
Accelerate the creation of a more fit and resilient tomorrow. At the speed of lightening, Covid-19 has struck virtually everywhere, and continues to impact everything and everyone in its path. It’s also the biggest wake-up call of the century. [...]
It’s Our Time to Choose:
To bounce back[wards], or to bounce forwards — to a clean, green future? In my piece, Postcards from March 2020, previously published in Medium, and looking towards our post-COVID-19 world, I asked the questions: “Where do we go from here? [...]