RSI “Curated” Online Knowledge Exchange Membership Package
Sign up today!
Become a member of a value focused knowledge exchange
for leaders and experts who share the vision for shaping a better future
The demand for accessible, value-based, learning and knowledge sharing with a trusted community of other successful leaders is growing exponentially. This is exacerbated by the tsunami of disruptive innovations and other changes impacting our economy, environment and social fabric and the need for constant learning when you need it.
The RSI Knowledge Exchange provides a means for connecting
with leaders in real time – when you need it most.
Who are the Members?
Senior and emerging leaders, entrepreneurs, experts, key influencers and collaborators interested in connecting, knowledge sharing and dialoguing with peers and experts within and across multiple sectors and generations.
What is it?
It is a trusted, membership-based forum for responsible leaders who want to create a stronger, innovative and prosperous future that works for everyone – including their own organizations.
What makes it unique?
It’s designed for members to be profiled as thought leaders; and, to communicate directly with peers and experts to exchange ideas and insights on the challenges they face while helping them identify sustainable, future ready solutions for business and society to thrive.
Individual Membership Benefits
What you do…
- Connect with other senior and emerging leaders, experts, innovators, entrepreneurs and scientists, in a curated sustainability and business focused knowledge and relationship building exchange to share, ask questions, test ideas, deepen and broaden your knowledge with a diversity of qualified members at different stages of growth and innovation.
- 360-degree knowledge sharing – peer to peer, private and open forum.
What you get…
- Be notified of special digital/on-line and physical learning and knowledge sharing events, announcements, thought leadership papers and articles.
- Be a participant in invitation-only RSI events in Toronto.
- Potential to be included as an expert contributor to a collaborative annual Thought Leadership Report and knowledge sharing blogs.
- Member preference on all RSI events.
Annual fee to become an RSI Member
$500+hst for corporate leaders, experts and entrepreneurs
$250+hst for startups, individual professionals
$120+hst for full time post-secondary students
Please contact Darla Campbell, Membership Chair
416-567-9082 –